A binturong has a face like a cat’s and a body like a bear’s. They are also called bearcats, but that name is misleading since these animals are not related to either bears or cats. Binturongs are in the civet family and due to a scent gland that helps them mark their territory with a very distinctive odor, they do in fact smell very similar to popcorn, as do the keepers that handle them. Doc is an extreme favorite of many of the keepers at Monterey Zoo as he does a great deal to promote education and conservation in our school programs.
Binturongs are primarily nocturnal, sleeping during the days and moving through their home in the trees looking for fruit at night. Doc came to our zoo as a very special and generous gift from a friend and breeder in South Carolina. His big personality has attracted a well-deserved fan club. People love to interact with him on our full contact tours.