
All of our crows, ravens and birds of prey are non-releasable birds that have suffered permanent  injuries that rendered them non-releasable. Some are non-native to the United States or have been in captivity their entire lives. Our parrots are all surrendered pets from those who could no-longer care for them or didn’t realize what having such birds in their homes truly meant. They are all part of our education/conservation programs and private tours aimed at educating the public about their value to our planet. We feel it is a conservation efforts all can participate in to help protect the future of these magnificent birds. Our brand new “Birds of the Feather” exhibit is now open for all to come, see and learn about all our birds at Monterey Zoo. 


Parrots are a broad order of more than 350 birds called Psittaciformes. Macaws, Amazons, lorikeets, lovebirds, cockatoos and many others are all considered parrots. Although there are obvious differences among these birds, there are similarities as well. All parrots have curved beaks and four toes on each foot, two pointing forward and two projecting backward. Parrots are found in warm climates all over most of the world. They are unfortunately very misunderstood as “pets”, requiring far more care and causing far more inconvenience than most are aware. Monterey Zoo strongly urges anyone considering such a pet to research them greatly before acquiring one. Volunteering at a zoo is the perfect way to do that research.

Birds of Prey

More than 450 species fall under the category of “birds of prey”, including hawks, eagles and owls. They are all meat eaters, with hooked beaks, talons and keen eyesight. At the Monterey Zoo you can get up close and personal with a wide range of beautiful birds of prey from the majestic vultures with their impressive wingspan, to gorgeous red-tailed hawks and wise Great Horned Owls! We’ll be happy to share the vital role these birds play in our ecosystem and community. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you find one in harms way prior to touching or disturbing the bird. We’ll help you do the right thing. 


Monterey Zoo simply couldn’t be prouder than to introduce our visitors to our newest family member, “Arrow”, an American Bald Eagle that was permanently disabled in a vehicle accident many years ago. There are up to 60 species of eagles in the family Accipitridae. Known for the their heavy heads and beaks and huge talons for hunting and gripping, eagles are ranked at the top of the food chain as apex predators in the avian world. The bald eagle is noted for having flown with the heaviest load verified to be carried by any flying bird. Although not endangered, we look forward to showing you why these remarkable birds are so very deserving of our protection.


Vulture is the name given to two groups of scavenging birds of prey: the New World vultures including the Californian and Andean condors, and the Old World vultures, including the birds known for scavenging on carcasses of dead animals on the African plains. A recent study found that of the 22 culture species, nine are critically endangered. Monterey Zoo is home to two turkey vultures with permanent injures, restricting their ability to fly however their ability to educate and further conservation will be very obvious when you visit.


Crows are black birds known to be smart and adaptable, as well as for their loud, harsh “caw.” These birds are part of the Corvidae family, which includes jays, magpies and nutcrackers. There is no threat to the future for most crows at this time however, there are conservation efforts in place to help secure their natural habitat and keep them that way.


The common raven, also known as the Northern Raven, is a large all-black passerine bird. Found across the Northern Hemisphere, Ravens are strong fliers that can hover in place like American kestrels or soar like a hawk.

African Pied Crow

Africa’s widest ranging Corvid (crows, ravens, jays and their relatives), the Pied Crow, is found south of the Sahara and lives in most of the eastern and southern portions of the continent. These birds like open open forests and wooded scrub, but are often most common near towns, cities and farms.


Like all the birds at Monterey Zoo, our seabirds are birds that were rendered un-releasable back into the wild but were healthy enough to live happy ~healthy lives serving as ambassadors for their species in zoos.  Monterey Zoo currently houses brown pelicans, California gulls and laughing gulls.  

Our Animals

Visit our various species of parrots from
around the world. (Blu and Gold Macaw
and Scarlet Macaw)
Get close to and learn about the
incredible birds of prey right here in
our own back-yards. (Eurasian Eagle Owl)
See what defines the hunters of the sky!
(Red Tailed Hawk)
Peregrine Falcon
Witness the Majesty of our very own American Bald Eagle!

See the misunderstood beauty of some… ( Turkey Vulture)

African Pied Crow

Brown Pelicans



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While providing exemplary animal care, Monterey Zoological Society is dedicated to providing an entertaining yet educational and conservation minded experience which fosters public awareness and respect for all wildlife.

Vision Quest Ranch

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400 River Road, Salinas, CA 93908 Phone: 831-455-1901


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