Open 10am-3pm Every Day. (Closed on Easter, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day)
COVID-19 is still a valid concern and contagious disease that can lead to severe illness. Senior citizens and people with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present therefore visiting such places are done at your own risk. Those more vulnerable to this disease for any reason and who might be feeling symptoms are advised to postpone their visit until it becomes much safer to to do so.
Facial coverings that cover both mouth and nose are no longer required however they are recommended to be worn by visitors feeling any symptoms of COVID or having only recently recovered from a positive COVID test. This does not apply to those with a medical condition preventing them from doing so.
Social Distancing of at least 6ft. from zoo staff and other guests not in your party is still recommended when possible to contribute to everyone’s comfort level while visiting the zoo. We’ve installed floor markers in sensitive areas to assist you with this. Our zoo affords all to remain FAR more than 6ft. from each other, making our venue safer than most in terms of social distancing. Our exhibits are also completely outdoors and spread far apart.
Visiting while feeling ill is prohibited. If you feel any symptoms of COVID19 or any other flu like symptoms (to include fever or cough), we ask that you avoid all public/social interaction and postpone your visit the zoo.
Washing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is requested. Soap and water will be made available at the zoo to do so. We have also installed hand-free faucets and paper-towel dispensers to assist in making your departure from the restrooms contact free after washing your hands.
Hand sanitizing is requested and available throughout the zoo, especially upon exiting the restrooms, touching a vending machine button or the railing along our ramps and stairs. We invite all to bring and use their own sanitizer to help conserve the zoos available inventory.
Touching of objects or others not in your group is prohibited unless absolutely necessary for safety reasons. Areas touched often for safety reasons (stair and ramp railings, door handles, vending machine buttons, etc…) will be sanitized by staff often. We ask that parents PLEASE help us keep our facility clean and safe by NOT allowing their children to play with items in our giftshop that they do not intend to purchase.
These guidelines are not intended to be all-inclusive as situations may present themselves that are not mentioned in these guidelines. In that event, all are expected to follow the direction of Monterey Zoo staff and management who will make final decisions and take appropriate action to ensure the safety, security and well-being of our guests, staff and animals.
Many additional precautions have also been implemented to assure your visit to be a safe and healthy one to include the installation of plexiglas shields between guests and staff, possible barriers that distance guests from exhibit viewing windows that are frequently touched and signage in some areas when needed, to remind all of the rules and restrictions throughout the zoo.
Monterey Zoo and Vision Quest Ranch is committed to providing a safe work environment in which our employees and volunteers are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to work in a professional atmosphere which prohibits discriminatory treatment from anyone, including sexual, racial and other forms of harassment including abusive conduct. We prohibit the harassment of any employee or volunteer by a visitor, regardless of whether that harassment is targeted specifically to the employee, based on race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin or ancestry. Offending visitors will be asked to leave the property immediately should such discriminatory treatment occur.
For the safety of guests, staff, volunteers and exhibit animals, all bags are subject to search. Refusal to bag search may result in non-admittance to the Zoo. Prohibited items are listed below.
Failure to act in accordance with Guest Conduct Policies may result in:
Monterey Zoo and Vision Quest Ranch appreciate your support and thank you for your cooperation.
Open 10am-3pm Every Day. (Closed on Easter, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day)
Enjoy the Zoo year-round!
Individual and Family Plans Available
Starting at only $125
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While providing exemplary animal care, Monterey Zoological Society is dedicated to providing an entertaining yet educational and conservation minded experience which fosters public awareness and respect for all wildlife.